Thursday, 22 January 2009

week two- The father heart of God

So last week was kool. we had a speaker for the whole week. his name was Jack Kody and he came with his friend skip (who played a mean harmonica and wrote ace songs). the topic was the father heart of God and honestly i wasn't looking forward to it at all. i've never really God this topic and havn't ever agreed with previous teaching i've heard about it. however i was plesantly suprised...he said that we need to understand that God wants relationship...he is not a big guy in the sky but someone who want to see how are day has gone etc. it was refreshing to have someone say that it doesn't matter what mood we are in when we come to god but it is the mere fact that we are talking to him that matters. he went on to explain different aspects of a father and how that relates to God. a very kool week.
we also managed to find the matrix and watched it one week so that the only guy in our goup now understands what it means to be the one!
our first exercise class was on thursday and it was soo funny...we went to the beach and played football and it ended up that me and coray got chucked in the sea by sojerd. all great fun... i made an awsome goaly i would like to add! ahha.
at the weekend i was in the kitchen which ment waking up at 5:45 and preparing american pancakes on sunday we went to church and then had the rest of the day. a group of us walked up to starbucks and then back just intime for the most beautiful sunset ever! and i mean ever... i have never seen one like it; we stopped at the beach and just marveled at the colours and the creation before us.
so as this blog is a little late i will tell you about the begining of this week at well.
the topic is team building....sounds fun but it is exhausting and has been a hard week. Our speaker has been Tim Pratt (yes yes being British i was the only one who laughed at his name); he is an awsome guy who is so easy to relate to...heeps of respect for him.
so the bases of a team is trust....yes trust...the thing that is soo hard. so we all had to talk about a hard situation in our lives was a time with alot of tears and opening up. everyone has different backgrounds and has gone though some very different things. we have also done some great team games. yesterday we did a personality test to help understand who has what position in the team. i came out as a peaceful person haha rather than the organised one or the loud one suprise there. it been really interesting week and am really starting to understand how people react underpressure and how to best cope ( each game put pressure on the team to react and for people to take lead and communicate). Everyone is pretty tired but doing well.

so lastly today we had to do our local ministry (last week we painted a ladies house). this week we were told to go in 2 teams and pray about what God wanted us to do. everyone Got words or pictures but none of them seemed to link. so we were sent off with some money and just told to pray and see what we should do with it. so my group (Jessie, coray and me) were just walking towards this stadium as this is the word jessie got; and along the road we passed these kidz in this yard. they were really poor and cute so we stopped and said hello but then carried on walking. this road was soo dusty and had all these dogs going crazy the end of the road coray stopped us and said "guys do you realised some had a picture of this dusty road with all these dogs"
we were yeah..ok." so we turned around and there were these three dogs not far away barking. to turned back around and prayed "god show us what we should do down this road" decided to just walk back up at down as we turned back around, the dogs were where to be seen. not round a corner or in a where. so we walked up and down praying and came to the house with the kidz again. we decided to use the money to buy them some basic food shopping. the shop turned out to be next to the staduim (we recone that was like a direction from god otherwise we would have gone into town center) we got food and gave it to the family. we said it was a gift from God and not from us and they invited us in as we showed them what we had got. we then went of our merry way feeling really excited. the family seemed touched and the little kidz kept waving at us after soo cute.

so it is totally food time now so i need to go.
hope you enjoyed the ramble its kinda long again. thank you for all your comments and messages i've loved hearing from you all.
next week the topic is relationships which is usually an intense topic and we have been warned our speaker is a no nonsense guy and not to get offended with how direct he is.
lots of love to everyone
God Bless


  1. Really sounds amazing! Keep strong & Keep safe, Sam x

  2. Seems like you are having lots of fun :) i'm glad you are calling it football again not that nasty word 'soccer' bleugh! haha glad everything is going well hope love you
    Iain xx

  3. Hey Ruthie.

    Sounds amazing. Just been looking on your facebook profile and your friend had some INsane pics of the sunset. You see sights like that and it just screams "master creator on the loose!" LOVE IT. On my GAP year I got fed up of using words like "beautiful/amazing/awesome" after a while they become hollow with overuse. Amanda and I got a theasaurus to look up beautiful- one word that stuck with me was "pultritude" - see what you and your fellow DTS-ers can come up with.

    I love you and I'm praying for you. Hope next week goes ok.


  4. Hello Ruth,

    Love the sunsets- what's the swimming like? Book me on the next flight,

    Love Gran

  5. PS get some photos on here - pronto!

  6. Hi Ruth

    Lovely to hear how well you are getting on ! !

    Hope that you are keeping well.

    My mum says 'is it not amazing the wonders of technology' 'being able to communicate with the other side of the world'

    cannot wait to hear more of fun antics !!

    love and prayers

    matt goldsmith x x x x x

  7. hi ruth glad you are well. keep going with that spanish
    kk0 ------ that was my neice esme.
    we both miss you xxxxxx speak soon

  8. Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth!
    My heart aches because I miss you so much! Church is really quite different without you and the conservatory no longer holds any charm. At the same time I am so proud of you and totally excited for you as your adventure is still meerly beginning!
    I am praying for you lots and I am probably more jealous that I am not out there with you more than anything as I am still stuck in the hideous confines of the Queen's Hotel.
    Lee has left, or was let off rather but he came to church the week before last and he said that he was really moved by the talk. Mark was talking about "the end times" in the sense of where we are going and he said that once you realise that you have isolated yourself from God what are you left with and Lee said that that was the bit that moved him the most as the answer that he came up with was "nothing". He said that he just wanted to surround himself with "good people" so he came to church!
    Aj had coffee with him before coming but i didn't see him there this last sunday, which doesn't mean that he wasn't there. I am going to ask Aj for Lee's mobile number and i will text him to make sure he comes again this week.
    I am leading another Alpha group with Chris Lang and it is really great! Racheal and this guy called Josh Ball are helpers on the group and we have two girls called Pheobe and Francesca that are great as well as a few others. Sarah Branton has brought a friend and there is a guy called Kev who has loads to say.
    Cluster is going well, but i can't make small groups as one is on tuesdays when i have alpha and the other is on wednesdays when i have air, but i make it to cluster, which was yesterday.
    I'm going to a poetry reading tonight with Martha and Louis as I think that Louis is going to read a poem, so this should be a fun night!
    Anyway, I am just thinking if there is anything else that i need to tell you. Oh Andy Pestell is now leading my sunday morning group with me and it is going well! We are working through acts. I am sorry that I haven't contacted you before now, if you don't get to read this as much as you check your email then let me know and next time i will email you instead! I love you lots and miss you but am glad that you are doing what God wants you to be doing!
    Talk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. I just cried reading your blog!!! It is SO exciting and I'm SO glad you're having such a good time! BRILLIANT! It's worked out so perfectly after all that faffing around before you went!!! God TOTALLY ROCKS!!!
    Anna x
