Sunday, 8 February 2009

Week 5

Ok so i haven't written in a while- sorry guys. been super busy.
So its kinda hard to know where to start.
Week 4- we had a guy called Dean Sherman come and Talk about relationships. It turned out not to be the relationship talk that everyone expected (birds and the bees) but was actually about loving one another.

The root of his talk came from Matthew 22 v 37-40. This is when someone asks Jesus what the most important command in the Bible is. Jesus answers with two commands..."Love the Lord you God with all your heart mind and strength AND love your neighbour as yourself."
If Christians are seen as a judgemental sect then we have forgotten this command. We should not be people who divide ourselves from anybody. Would we like to be judged on our actions? no so why do it to others.
There are two commands because we need to understand Gods unconditional love for us in order to then show that to others. The second commandment doesn't fully work without the first.
Also as christians we shouldn't become people who are so involved in religion that we are unapproachable. Jesus was extremely social most parts of the bible show him with people; he did not come to the earth and pray all the time.
If Gods command is to show love to others then we are pleasing his heart by giving people time.
i could go on forever on this week...i loved it! its totally where my heart longer a religion that is known for being judgmental and to caught up with trying to be a perfect person but becoming people who devote ourselves to others.
i am just going to go to the local shop now and get stupid amounts of candy yes i said candy. i live off films in the evening which requires a good amount of munch. i will continue this in a bit xxx

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you enjoyed the week thumbs up me thinks :)
    enjoy your "candy" and your films
    love you
