Tuesday 10 February 2009

ok so last post was super spiritual as i got side tracked by sweets. we have also been up to some super cool stuff...starbucks is not far away so when we get bored we often go for a drink. One night we made a massive bonfire on the beach...then we all had a go with fire poi. It was lots of fun we had a whole thing of gasoline and wrote things in the sand and set it alight. really immature but sooo much fun. it was an awsome night. the pictures are up of facebook ...i think most of you have seen them already.
we have also done local ministry at the rehab place, we painted and then hung out with someof the kidz that live there. it was super fun and we are going to be going everyweek for a while which is cool. This will give us an opportunity to build relationships with people. Last Weekend we had a Napoleon Dynamite and NachO Libre night with home made milkshakes was soo much fun. as you can imagine there are random quotes going around the base lots.
anyhow again i need to fly off as its a busy day today and i lost track of time. At the moment we have the class who are graduating this week back. they have been giving us advise and telling us about there outreach/mission phase. they have been in peru and mexico city. tres interesting
anyhow really need to run.
hope everyone is well
loves xxx

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