Sunday 11 January 2009

I'm Here!

ok so my first week is over. the flight out here was sooooo long, there were almost a few hiccups but they were thankfully avoided. e.g. i was told my luggage would go straight to san diago however that was not the case. thankfully a security guard looked at my visa and commented on me traveling light once we sussed out i had been missinformed i went back to find my luggage. when i got to Las Vagus i had a 6 hour wait which was the longest wait of my life!!! gah sooo boring and i couldn't find a computer so i just tried to stay awake by playing sudoku.
I was picked up by a fellow english gal, which was ace especially when she said her husband was at the base watching top gear. i finally got to bed at 2 am.

The schedule has been pretty hectic...everyday we are up at ten tText Colouro seven to have a morning quiet time then breakfast and then lectures untill lunch.
we have had a different speaker each day this week which has been really interesting. one talk of intersession (prayer) i was really challenge by this one point: he was saying when we pray for people are we just asking God for what we think they need...really we should be asking God what we should be praying for them. listen and then pray. we may be praying for someone to become a christian when really at that moment in time they need someone to talk to, or are in a financial situation ( i hope that makes sense i'm not so good at explaining). another talk was on spiritual gifts... we are all going to by a book which gives a quizz on your own spiritual gifts and then breaks down what each gift is. i am looking forward to starting that book.
the rest of the day is pretty booked up as well.
ooo on our first night they hired a spanish Mariachi band to come to the base and they played and sang to us that was ace.

Every friday we go into the Red Light District of Ensenada and serve soup to homeless, drug addicts and other people. I had my first experiance of that yesterday which was kool. its really nerve racking as i don't speak spanish and i have forgotton the little i learnt. It actually wasn't that bad. i just stayed behind the soup bowl all night and just said "soup" and "your welcome, God bless". It is a really exciting ministry and one of the girls who spoke fluent spanish was talking to this drug addict and by the end of the night he took the names of a church and a rehab center. Please be praying because i am really struggeling with the spanish and a couple of the girls already speak near to fluent spanish so its really frustrating as i wanna be out there talking to people but i can't...not yet.

Today we had the day off and got to go to a torist Bufa Dora.... its basically a point on the coast where there is a blow whole. sadly the tide was out so it didn't blow as high as normal but we climbed a cliff and looked out on the amazin view. i have just got back from one of the girls from the base's flat. she invited us all round to watch a film which was really cool.
Sorry this is very long i will try to wrap it up soon.

My Classmates are ace! There are only seven of us; this was a shock as we all expected around 15 but lots of people dropped out for individual reasons. here are six girls and one guy. haha
all the girls live in one dorm. 4 are American , 1 Canadian and 1 from the Netherlands. The only also from the Netherlands...we all call him "The One" or "Keanu". we are all very different so the first few days was weird but we have all bonded very quickly and i think we will become a little family very quickly. Some of the girls are already calling me Roo which makes me feel at home and reminds me of you mum every time. (miss you and dad lots)

i am missing home and everybody heeps especially as no one is quite into the same music as me however a english guy arrived on the base today and we totally listen to the same stuff....turns out we were both at the Red Hot chilli pepper gig at hyde park with James Brown supporting and he also went to Muse at Wembley stadium on the Saturday night. He has bought the DVD of the Muse gig so we are going to watch it some time....have to say being able to chat about bands really made my night haha.

looking forward to hearing from you all would love to know what your up to. a few of the girls have bought their laptops so when they are not using them i am aloud to come on the internet woop woop. looks like i should be able to do a blog once a weekish.
my full timetable kicks in next week, as do my spanish lessons and community work.
its all very excited miss being able to ring and say what i'm up to.

love you all heeps

God bless
Ruth xxx

sorry its so long hope you enjoyed


  1. Great to hear from you. It sounds as if you are having an amazing time. Just keep soaking yourself in the Spanish, hopefully it will kick in soon and a combination of lessons and constantly hearing it, plus getting the other girls in the group to talk slowly to you in Spanish should help. I love the sound of the soup kitchen, what an opportunity!

    Aany chance of getting a sym card fopr your phone? I am dying to talk to you? or do any of the girls have skpe on their laptops?

    Will email you soon, as i have to do lunch now. I am going to see Granny this afternoon, so have printed off your blog page to give to her.

    Take care, enjoy, loads of love


  2. hello you, sorry its such a late response to your email. glad to hear you are getting on ok, its only early days after all. but it sounds like you have met some ace people.

    +1 on what you mum said, the soup kitchen does sound like a really cool opportunity!

    so do you get days off from it all?

    stay safe mate, all my love and a cherry on top,

    hattie xxxxx

  3. Hey ruthie,
    its good to hear form you.
    It sounds like you having a really amazing experience- loved the blog, and really enjoyed reading about the lectures, very thought provoking.
    Keep safe, and enjoy this experience.
    when you gte back, you will be able to teach us all to speak spanish!!!
    Look forward to reading your next blog
    love you
    x x x

  4. whoops, sorry forgot to mention, that it was Jenna who just sent you that message hahah what a moose!!!!
    have fun
    x x x
