Friday 27 March 2009


ok so here is my last post before outreach! At the moment i am pretty blown away as i have an amazing story from this week, but i shall retell from where i last left off.

So i went to Tecate last week, this is another base in Mexico just over an hour away, its really cute, just like a house nothing big. We stayed there and practised the drama's we were going to perform in Columbia...i have a tendancy to be the devil in some of the plays...i guess i have a natural creepy side to me. haha. It was super fun. After this we came back to Ensenada for a night, the next morning we left for a camping trip.

It is more liike a survival camp we go on...i have a few stories from that but sadly we made a pack not to tell the whole world about our crazy camping stories and all we had to do to survive. So if you want to find out about that you will have to ask me in person. mwhahahaha

so this Blog is super short as i havn't really done heeps in the past two weeks. We have been winding down the pace and getting ready for outreach. The most major event this week requires a short story:

Ok so on monday evening after we had been out for a nice meal we were all called in for an emergency meeting. Our leaders told us that they had beeen trying to book the internal flights to get to Laticia but the prices were way more expensive than anyone had realised. In total our group was short 5 thousand dollars, we were all really gutted as visiting tribes and going in the amazon was something we were all looking forward to. Basically we had twentyfour hours to get five thousand pounds and book the tickets or we were going to have to re-organise our outreach. Naturally we were all a bit bummed after that. Most of our group decided to fast and pray and ask God to provide the money. I have heard all the crazy stories about God providing money but never experianced it for real. <---I guessed that just gave it away. We woke up the next day and continued to pray as a group by the afternoon we had another meeting to discuss the plans. When we went in we were told that this morning someone had decided to randomly donate exactly 5 thousand dollars to our outreach!!!! i mean Oh my Goodness...God is soo Good.
I'm sure some of you are sat in your chairs going ...its just coinsidence but i'm afriad i cannot agree. We had twentyfour hours what are the chances that the exact money would be donated by someone who didn't know our situation. i'm still blown away by the whole thing!

we have altered our plans alittle however as during our prayer time it was felt that we were to go to columbia and just Columbia. so now rather than going to Mexico City we are going straight to Columbia and spending two weeks in the capital, Bogota.

Today i am starting to pack and spending my last two days with people from the base. Please continue to pray for us throughout these next two months. Columbia isn't the safest country and i'm a little nervous about the bugs i will find in the Amazon. I know God has got my Back and will protect us all as we go out on his mission but a few prayers backing us up never hurt anyone.
I doubt i will be able to keep up this blog but you never know stranger things have happened.
i hope everyone is well back in the UK i look forward to having a pint and a catch up with a few people when i get back.
Lots of love Ruth x

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