Tuesday, 28 April 2009

just when you thought it was all over!

so i didn´t think i would be able to keep up my blog spot while on outreach but here i am in the internet cafe with skype but the time difference makes it so all my english buds are sounds asleep. shame...i thought i would use the time to do a quick blog. It probably won´t be very detailed as so much has happened it really hard to know where to start.

so my first two weeks were spent in Bogota...week one we did a kidz program for really poor kidz. it was soo much fun the walk to the church hall was beautiful..very steep and we were always dripping from the climb but worth it every time. most of the kidz had family members in gangs and the pastor had to walk with us every morning so that we would be left alone. dispite the suposed danger i felt very safe and we never had a problem. the children were beautiful the pastor was crazy i never thought i would see apastor dance to The prodigy but life continues to bring suprises.
the second week we worked at the other side of the city with another pastor doing street evangelism. this was a challenge for us all...especially for me. i was not looking forward to turning into the type of person on a soap box that i hate to come across in my own town. thankfully it was actually good fun. we just set up our speaker in busy areas and did drama´s with testimonies after them, sometimes we did poi on the street. People really enjoyed them we always attracted quite a crowd and when the program finished we just went and casually talked to the people who were watching. 18 people gave their lives to Christ that week. super exciting, the dramas are really powerful dealing with so many issues, including self harm, condemnation, worthlessness, eating dissorders etc.
so now onto the third week. we flew down to Leticia in the south which borders brazil and Peru. we crossed the boarder and spent one week in Brazil helping out at a base there and working with kidz. that was much harder as the language is different again in Brazil and only one of us in the whole team spoke portuguese.
This week is the end of our fourth week and yesterday we got back from a week in the amazon jungle! wooo.
it was amazing we went to three different tribes..two in peru and one in colombia. It was a laid back time and the villiage living is pretty chilled out however church is every evening and can go on for about 3 hours each night. it was a really interesting time and not what any of us expected. the villiages were more developed than we expected and you could tell we were not the first missionaries that had been there however we did have one or two babies that cried because we were white. Our time was spent doing childrens programs treating the kidz with lice shampoo and conducting the services in the evenings. i´m covered in mozzy bites but can say that i have been into the jungle (i only saw one snake my whole time), i have swam in the amazon river/washed in it and have had a kid cry when he saw me cuz i was white. haha
so that brings you guys up to date with me. this is the last week in Leticia and then we go back to the north and go to Boca Chica for a week.
i´ve struggeled with home sickness properly for the first time and cannot wait to see everyone again and hear all your stories from the past 6 months. no doubt i will bore you all with pictures.

love you all so much
continue to pray for me that God would continue to give us strength as a team and i wouldn´t miss home to much. i feel like alot will have changed when i come back to England which scares me a bit.

Love Roo